Do you like driving your car? Do you enjoy when you are with him? Your vehicle and you have a special bond? Would you like to always know how it is and from your mobile?
With MyAtlantis you will always be connected with your vehicle in real time. You will have everything under control easily. Interacting with your vehicle, wherever you are, will be like a game. With your MyAtlantis App you can share your position with anyone you want on social networks, even if they do not have the App. You can also create a group (even if they do not have a My Atlantis device) and invite them to share your position in real time, when you leave the route or whenever you want.
Your My Atlantis geolocation IoT device is always connected and ready to share your position. You will not have to use your mobile for this and leave it without a battery. Enjoy your vehicle, your My Atlantis device will automatically share the positions for you. You will also be able to see your routes and visualize your routes. Get out with your vehicle. Have a good time! Discover new places, routes, trips, etc. … and share it! MyAtlantis offers you all this and much more … and also you will have your vehicle protected in case of attempted theft, accident, etc.
It works with a portable IoT device with geolocation installed in your vehicle, and an App (Android and iOS) to have it all controlled from your mobile. Enjoy more with your vehicle, and be calm.

Atlantis Work
Do you have mobility staff and are not well registered with your Workday? Want to increase the value that your company brings with your mobile staff? You know you can improve the productivity of these workgroups on mobility, but you don’t know how? Is its operation efficient enough?
Atlantis Work is a solution to help companies that base their business model on mobile staff, improve their competitiveness and / or control of mobile staff, applying our experience, flexibility, and customization of products and services based on IoT technology and geolocation.

Atlantis Cattle
The benefits that will bring you, for example:
- Get security for your livestock and peace of mind for you.
- Improve the quality of life of animals.
- Increase control over livestock.
- Save time finding them.
- Improve the productivity of the company.

Atlantis Delivery
You are clear that you can improve the productivity of your mobile resources (vehicles) in the process of delivering goods, but do not know how? Do you know how much it costs to operate your mobile resources? Is it efficient enough? Do you want to keep track of all the incidents that occur in the deliveries and collections, in order to improve results? Want to increase the value that your company brings?
Atlantis Delivery is a solution to help distribution companies with mobile resources (cars, vans, trucks, motorcycles, etc.) improve their competitiveness by applying our experience, flexibility, and personalization of products and services based on IoT technology (Internet). of things) and geolocation.
It works with an App (Android) that the operator uses to identify himself, receive his delivery route, with bulk control, and record his activity in real time while he works, and a management web for that the company can consult and manage in real time: the status of the load, delivery status, delivery details, order details, registered incidents, route summary, delegation management and accesses, etc. This solution is completed with the integration with the corporate ERP, to receive orders and return execution in order to be able to bill properly.
The benefits it will bring you, for example: Increase the value that the company lends to its customers. Minimize human incidents and errors in delivery and collection expeditions. Increase billing by managing more efficiently. Improve the productivity of the company. Increase control over mobile resources. Increase EBITDA by streamlining mobility costs.

Atlantis PPU
Want to transform your rental business business model into a new pay-per-use model that works autonomously? You know you can improve the productivity of your rental machinery, but you don’t know how? Do you know what machinery stock you have available for rent and how many reserves you have? Do you want to keep track of all the incidents that occur when using the machinery? Want to increase the value that your company brings?
Atlantis PPU is a solution to help machinery rental companies transform their traditional business model, to improve their competitiveness by applying our experience, flexibility, and customization of products and services based on IoT (Internet of Things) technology and geolocation.
It works with an App (Android) that the user / client uses to reserve machinery, and to be able to use it, plus a geolocation IoT device that must be installed on the machine (all the activity of the machine will be recorded). real time while working), and finally a Management Web so that the company can consult and manage in real time the state of the rents, the stock of machines available in each center / base / work, the actual use of each machine, recorded incidents, administration of machines, etc. This solution can be completed by integrating with the corporate ERP, to bill based on actual use.
The benefits you will get are, for example: Expanding your billing with a new business model. Improve the productivity of the machinery park. Increase EBITDA by increasing productivity and turnover with the same resources. Increase the value that the company lends to its customers. Increase control over machines.
Els beneficis que us aportarà són, per exemple : Ampliar la facturació amb un nou model de negoci. Millorar la productivitat del parc de maquinària. Augmentar l’EBITDA a l’incrementar la productivitat i facturació amb els mateixos recursos. Incrementar el valor que l’ empresa presta als seus clients. Augmentar el control sobre les màquines.

Atlantis Fleet
Want to increase the value that your company brings? Of course you can improve the productivity of your mobile resources (vehicles, machinery, containers, boxes with material, etc.), but you do not know how? Do you have good control over your investment in mobile resources? Do you know how much it costs to operate your mobile resources? Is it efficient enough?
Atlantis Fleet is a flexible and multi-device solution to help companies that have mobile resources (cars, vans, containers, machinery, boxes, valuables, trucks, motorcycles, etc.) improve their competitiveness by applying our experience, flexibility, i customization of products and services based on IoT (Internet of Things) technology and geolocation.
It works with an IoT device with geolocation that is installed in each mobile resource, and with a Web of management to have it all controlled with a simple glance and easily. App Version (Android and iOS) also available.
The benefits it will bring you, for example: Increase the value that the company lends to its customers. Increase billing by managing more efficiently. Improve the productivity of the company. Increase control over mobile resources. Get security and peace of mind. Increase EBITDA by streamlining mobility costs.
We are an innovative ICT service company with our own engineering and technology, specialized in providing multi-device mobility solutions, bringing our expertise, reliability, and customization of products and services based on IoT technology and geolocation.
Tracking your world
Our values
- Passion
- Personalized treatment
- Agility in the answers
- Quality
- Usability
- Proximity to the customer
- Flexibility in solutions
- Commitment
- Innovative culture
- Common benefit
The benefits we share
- Increase the value that the company lends to its customers
- Increase billing by managing more efficiently
- Improve the productivity of the company
- Increasing control over mobile resources
- To achieve security and tranquility
Improve the competitiveness of the companies that base their business models on the management and / or exploitation of mobile assets (e.g. cars, vans, containers, machinery, boxes, livestock, valuables, etc.), thanks to our solutions for the digital transformation of its operational processes with mobile assets. Traceability, better management, more control and security of your mobility investments.